


Life Coaching – Imposter Syndrome & Life Purpose- Dealing with an imposter syndrome makes an individual reflect on a self-belief of being inadequate and incomplete while being perfectly able and successful. These feelings can be linked to deeper emotions and a need to protect oneself. Our expert counsellors’ help individuals explore these feelings and check them in with reality.
Motivational talks – Listening to life stories from role models can help you feel determined, focused, and more productive. Our Motivational sessions help individuals meet one another via moments of reflection, relaxation, and contemplation.
Emotional intelligence – Emotional Coaching evokes the best in people, via powerful communication and self-alignment with empathy and emotional needs. It is a communication strategy devised to help you regain control of your life. Our counsellors follow a dynamic-engagement flow that allows our clients to self-regulate and manage their stress responses.

Mystic healer

Mystic healing often known as spiritual healing has immense physiological and psychological benefits for most individuals, especially those with chronic diseasesMystic healing involves the transfer of energy through the healer to the recipient, promoting self-healing by relaxing the body, releasing tensions and strengthening the body’s own immune system.
Tarot card reading – Mental healing and Emotional support are the fore runners for a well balanced life and leading a life filled with mindful practices. Any questions which may be unanswered , or a lack of clarity in life can be addressed with Tarot card readings. It has the power to transform self-care into soul care, and gain valuable insights into your past,present or future.Individuals seeking guidance and clarity can formulate questions and draw cards to interpret the answers
Numerology – Deals with The universe is made up of divine energies, and there are particular energies related to each number. It a guide to self –discovery and predictions, helping you find the concealed meaning of life and your purpose behind it .It can act as an individualised coach on how to pave the path forward , honing on your strengths your strengths and weaknesses.
Astrology – Testing times and tribulations can leave us seeking for answers and the right guidance, from the cosmic world. Astrology can serve as a detailed chart serving as a life compass and a psychological road map. Astrological insights give you a strong sense of direction and purpose, which can thereby be used to embark on a journey of self-discovery, supercharge your career, or improve personal life
Upliftment of Inner energy – Universal energy or spiritual force (non religious) can be directed by intention .When focused on the human body, via the aura (human energy field), it raises the spiritual vibrations of that person. Usually people with longterm mental and physical health conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar states, backache, arthritis can benefit immensely from this healing.

Bhagwad Gita Preaching

Life can often seem like a battlefield, raising questions that we ask ourselves; “am I playing my part fully?” The Bhagwad Gita encourages us to live a life full of purity, strength, discipline and integrity in order to find our life purpose and live it to the fullest. Just as Krishna encourages Arjuna to cast aside all doubts and trust in his highest self, we too can use the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita to meet our own difficulties and decisions with fearlessness and honesty, living life in a rooted and an authentic way.

Soft Skills

Soft skills are paramount for career progression; giving you a professional edge over your competitors and helping you shine through. Critical thinking, creativity, people management, and effective communication are some of the most important skills required both in personal as well as professional avenues of life.
Voice coach – Voice coaching is of essence for individuals who aspire to build a career in communications, and need improvement on their articulation and diction. Voice exercises tailored by a voice coach can help your ability to articulate, and remove any discernible accent from your voice.
Behavioural training & Personality development – enhanced personal and professional relationships, increased productivity, and lead to a better work experience and organizational culture. Behavioural training and personality development help in accelerating career growth by equipping you with adaptability and organizational skills which contribute towards personality development overall.
Leadership training – Leaders are not born, they are made. Successful leadership qualities are essential for individuals to motivate their team, handle and delegate tasks, listen to feedback, and have the flexibility to solve issues in a workplace that is constantly evolving.
Business Communication – An idea worth millions is no good if it doesn’t come to fruition. Excellent writing abilities are essential career wise, to execute your ideas, or services as well as for effective communication with co-workers, employees, and superiors.

Nutrition Coach

A nutrition coach can inspire and support change in clients with a multipronged approach and awareness towards your food choices.We, at Cowellinque are focused on educating you about making smarter food choices, best suited to your lifestyle and needs. We meticulously analyse all health aspects and chart personalised food and diet plans for you. Any health issues can be tackled with the right support around weight loss, lifestyle changes, food habits and improving the overall relationship and mindset with food.

Health Coach

Physical fitness and mental well-being go hand in hand, improving your brain health, managing your weight and reducing the risk of any diseases. Our certified health coaches collaborate and work closely with clients, motivating them with self-directed wellness techniques and programs, allowing them to discover a whole new realm of physical wellbeing. A positive attitude and regard for our client’s ability to change is the prime focus for us.

Career Coaching and Counseling

Choosing a profession is the most informed choice you’ll make at any point. It will influence where you reside, your earning potential, and the way of life you’ll appreciate. Out Career Coaches are experts in career planning, vocational guidance, identifying your strengths and skills, along with giving expert tips on cracking interviews.

International Student Advisory Services

*Study abroad – Associated with Uniabroad Ltd. (Overseas education HQ in UK)

At Cowellinque, our friendly expert career counselors are available to support international student careers from day one with personalized guidance, programs focusing on career development for international students, and more.